Social Media
Social Media real name is “Social Networking”
You have two types of Facebook,your personal page and your business page. Your facebook page should have a branded image of yourself. A handy piece of software called i would suggest you sign in for a free account and upload your image there. The good thing about this software is once you have uploaded your image no matter where you sign in your name or making a comment your image will appear as well. This is a simple way to start branding your image.
Also if you go to and do a search for “first time beginners on facebook” you will see a section regarding F-commerce. This might be of some interest to you if you were thinking about selling on facebook. You can do a test on facebook to see what pages are there dedicated to your main keyword.[ your keyword] You will then find dedicated pages related to your keyword.
Find out what people want do a survey,facebook pages are their for the purpose of business. Just don’t add people to your facebook why not make it a permission based page.
Here are a few more useful links: – here you will find people,places and pages.
I would also suggest that you read facebook rules as well ,as this will give you a guideline to what facebook allows
I hope you found this article of some help to you,you might like to leave your comment below or if you wish to know about something else specific please let me know
Pat Brosnan
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